I just got back from a week-long workshop in Sedona, Arizona.

I experienced some really cool breakthroughs and had some powerful experiences. Good news/bad news with that. These breakthroughs will ask me to change how I think, feel, do, and be. Some are effortless. One breakthrough happened instantaneously as I noticed the camera recording the training session. I remembered that I’m uncomfortable around cameras. Then I noticed that discomfort and asked myself what that was about. The answer flashed back, because the people at the other end of the camera are strangers. In that same instant, I felt myself start to laugh. I said to myself, “Those people aren’t any stranger than me or anybody else I know!”

In a rush, all fear disappeared. All discomfort faded.

The breakthrough happened and there is no hint of lingering distress that used to accompany every waking moment – and some dream time. The change was instant, profound and lasting.

And then there are those breakthroughs that bring up new ideas and new concepts to bring into action. I do feel some discomfort.

What will that look like?

How can I accomplish that?

What if no one likes this?

What if I fail?

Those darn “what if’s” show up to shut down the party.

Yet, I can allow them to be there while I look at them. What will that look like? I don’t really care what it looks like, I care how it feels. If I hold on to the feeling, then I can create something lovely and joyful and helpful! How can I accomplish that? I cannot. Well, I cannot at this moment. The information I need has not yet been received. The process has not yet been revealed. I can live with that. (I don’t WANT to live with that! I WANT to have the answers and the flight plan all laid out! Right?!?) Too funny. How limiting our fears express themselves.

What if no one likes this? What if I fail? What if I don’t? A better question asks, “What blessing accompanies this?” Whether I fail or not – whether anyone else thinks it’s great or not, doing this new thing brings me heart joy. That is sufficient. More than sufficient – that is great!

These new things require me to change my perspective, my actions and my direction. Mostly a shift in my mindset from same-ol’ into the new thing.

I will experience nothing out of the ordinary as shift happens - meaning, when I walk, I shift from one foot to the other and take weight off one leg and shift it to the other, shifting the weight within my core - yet the effort is seamless and goes unnoticed because I’ve walked for a long time now.

A small child weaves with every unsure step. Yes, I’m unsure with each new step, yet I’m not a child. I’ve failed before! I’m really good at it! If I fail again, I will have a ton of fun on the way! Oh, that’s not failing! That’s really living!

So, what new direction are you facing? Feeling a bit fearful? We get to! We get to feel that trepidation. We also get to allow Divine Source to guide our steps in a new way.

We are not babies. We are children of the Universe. We are children of Light. We have sufficient experience, insight and guidance to move forward fearlessly and joyfully.