I was fixing squash soup for lunch today and really having troubles. I just couldn’t get the peeler to take the skin off that squash! I asked Phil to come and help me. He also had trouble with it. We were both flummoxed as to why the peeler wouldn’t work! Well, Phil switched to his left hand and used the other side of the tool. Worked like a charm! Apparently, I had worn out the blade on the one side! We both had a chuckle over that and the new tool immediately went on my grocery list.
Sometimes this holds true for our tools for living. What used to work for us in the past, no longer can cut it. Maybe we used the tool of lashing out when we feel dismissed or we use a tone of disdain in our voice when others disagree with us. Maybe we isolate or over indulge.
Truth is, on our spiritual development path, those old techniques don’t really work anymore. We just feel more frustrated. Our spirit calls us to expanded awareness where we recognize it’s time to speak our truth with grace and gentleness. Our spirit guides us towards reconciliation as best we can and guides us away from those that disregard our soul’s journey.
Divine Source supports our journey by bringing these situations into our expanded awareness—even ignorance doesn’t work anymore! (Drat!)
Aaack! What do we do? We take a breath. We ask for guidance. We seek a new way. We seek a new way of being—a new way of experiencing life!
Holidays throw us back into old situations. Yet, we are new beings! We are Awakened Ones! We shine the Light of Love as we walk the sacred path of our choosing. So, what will you choose? Choose now. Choose before the time arrives to trigger the old responses. Your sacred self desires honesty with kindness, and openness with safe boundaries.
A safe boundary exists for one’s self. It’s not about making the other person do or not do anything! What are WE willing to do or be? If trigger points throw us into anger, then the boundary fits between us and our anger point. If Uncle George hurts my feelings, then my safe boundary notices that he feeds on discomfort. So, calm peacefulness ruins his appetite! When in expanded awareness, other’s words hold no power. We see our own worth.
Time for new tools! Tools of Love, Light and Awareness. Through these new tools we empower our new self to shine. We bless and are blessed!